- Stripe - An Entrepreneurial Success Story
- This month’s entrepreneurial success story is about payments company Stripe, now valued at $36 billion after being founded in 2010.
- Taxes and Divorce
- If you are recently divorced or are contemplating divorce, you will have to deal with or plan for significant tax issues such as asset division, alimony, and tax-return filing status. If you have children, additional issues include child support; claiming of the children as dependents; the child, child care, and education tax credits; and perhaps even the earned income tax credit (EITC).
- Video tip: Fixing Your Habit of Overspending
- Overspending is a common financial issue that many of us deal with every day. Watch this video for four strategies that can help you overcome this habit.
- Recordkeeping Tips to Keep the IRS Away
- With the ever-increasing complexity of our tax system, it is commonplace for many small businesses to make mistakes with bookkeeping and filing. One way to avoid making errors is to be aware of the most commonly encountered pitfalls. Here are some tips to help keep the proper records.
- Did You File Before Congress Passed the Unemployment Tax Exclusion? Here is How the IRS is Handling the Situation
- Normally, unemployment insurance benefits are fully taxable for federal purposes. However, earlier this year, about the middle of the tax filing season, Congress, as part of the American Rescue Plan Act, decided that each individual who received unemployment benefits could exclude the first $10,200 of those benefits from taxation if their modified AGI was less than $150,000.