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Tax Reform Suspends the Tax Deduction for Employee Business Expenses
Not all provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act are beneficial to taxpayers. One notable negative provision is the suspension of the deduction for employee business expenses. Under prior law, taxpayers who were employees were able to deduct expenses related to their employment as a miscellaneous itemized deduction, to the extent the expenses exceeded 2% of their adjusted gross income. Yet, under the tax reform, employee business expenses will not be allowed for tax years 2018 through 2025.

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Preparing for Taxes for 2018 and Beyond
Tax reform has changed the way most taxpayers need to think about and plan for their taxes. It is no longer business as usual, and those who think it is are in for a rude awakening come tax time next year.

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What Makes a Great CEO?
People don't quit their jobs. They quit their leaders. What makes a great CEO?

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Divorce and the New Tax Law Brings a Plethora of Tax Planning Decisions
If you are recently divorced or are contemplating divorce you will have to deal with or plan for significant tax issues such as asset division, alimony, and tax-return filing status. If you have children, additional issues include child support; claiming of the children as dependents; the child, child care, and education tax credits; and perhaps even the earned-income tax credit (EITC).

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Solar Tax Credit - The Dark Side
There are TV ads, telemarketing phone calls and sales people at your front door all promoting the benefits of solar power, and one of the key considerations and a frequently mentioned benefit is the 30% federal tax credit.

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