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Your Payroll Tax Cut is Safe for Now!
Congress gave all wage earners a short-lived 2012 reprieve by temporarily extending the 2% payroll tax cut though February of 2012.

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Only 2 Days Left For 2011 Tax Deductions
We would like to remind you that the last day you may make a tax deductible purchase, pay a tax deductible expense or make a tax deductible charitable contribution for 2011 is Saturday Dec. 31.

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IRAs and Prohibited Transactions
Congress created IRAs so that individuals could set aside funds for their future retirement, and as an incentive to contribute to an IRA, permitted the contribution to be tax-deductible, unless the individual also participated in an employer's retirement plan and had income exceeding a specific threshold. However, Congress put safeguards in place to make sure the IRA funds are not used for purposes inconsistent with prudent retirement savings.

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Tips for Year-End Giving
Individuals and businesses making contributions to charity should keep in mind several important tax law provisions that have taken effect in recent years. Some of these changes include the following:

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Last Minute IRA Reminders
It is just a little over a week until the close of the 2011 tax year. But before the year ends, there may be some outstanding IRA issues that may require your immediate action. Here are a few December 31st deadline topics to consider:

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